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B・ドルトムント vs パリ・サンジェルマン 成田¥278,000 羽田¥298,000 関空¥2,000 CLRAMAD 年 2月16日(日)~2月日(木) 3泊5日 ラウンド16・第1戦 ≪1試合観戦≫ A・マドリード vs リバプール 成田¥238,000 羽田¥248,000 関空¥238,000 CLRLT 年Reinier Reinier Jesus Carvalho (born 19 January 02), known as Reinier or Reinier Jesus, is a Brazilian professional footballer who plays as an attacking midfielder for Bundesliga club Borussia Dortmund, on loan from Real MadridSydneySydneyPetra Dortmund is a character that appears in Rainbow Six An old terrorist that was prominent in the 1970s and 1980s, she and Hans Fürchtner reappeared in 1999 as a part of John Brightling's plan to unleash the Shiva virus 1 Biography 11 Rainbow Six 2 Appearance 3 Trivia Dortmund is a German terrorist who was active during the 1970s and 1980s with her boyfriend,
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